It's been pretty normal these past two weeks! No fun vacations. Brad started his SECOND YEAR at law school this week, can you believe it? Time has flown! "We" will be done in no time! Brad took his finals out at Eastern for his bachelors last Friday and started law school Monday. Whew! No rest for the weary, I suppose.
Me: Brad, how was your first week at law school?
Brad: It was good. I'm looking forward to some of my classes since they really interest me (like Intellectual Property and Patent Litigation).
He's also been upping his swimming mileage at the gym, which he is proud of. ;)
We went grocery shopping earlier this week and bought a pack of fun-sized Babyruths (they were half off). I should have taken a picture. I looove chocolate and have been craving it lately (then again, when do I not?). So anyways, last night we each had our last one. Tonight has been kind of stressful. I teach the 9-year-olds at church, and I want to do my best. Stressin' me out. Anyways, I was feeling rather down about it all, and Brad came over and gave me a kiss and then turned around and OUT OF NOWHERE he pulls his Babyruth from last night and gave it to me! Isn't that so sweet? He said, "I saved it so you could have it when you were sad." It's love, baby. He knows what I need.
Life is good.
always -the grants-