Tuesday, August 2, 2011


32 hours of driving, 7 states, 1 car, 2 people, no leg room and as much of our stuff as we could stuff in our car made for one rockin' cross-country road trip.

7/30 - Texas (most of the day, guh) & New Mexico

7/31/11 Colorado (just a little bit) & Utah.

Gotta love Utah.

8/01 - Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Lame OR & WA don't have signs you can stop and take pictures at. Hence the lame pics to follow...

Kind of cool, but we obviously couldn't stop to take a pic.

Washington's sign is in the middle of this super long bridge that doesn't even have a shoulder. Besides that, the "Welcome to WA" sign is about the size of a 11x14 poster. So small that my reflexes didn't even almost capture it...
C'mon Washington! LAAAAME.

But! We made is safely across the country, and what a great trip it was.

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