Friday, May 9, 2014

Cookie cake!

Tomorrow he graduates!! What?! Gotta love a good cookie cake.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


After much fasting and much praying and much studying, he did it! He passed the patent bar! He worked SO hard and SO long for this, and he did it! He was so worried he'd have to take it again, but he doesn't! We jumped up and down and screamed and were so excited! Onwards and upwards! We have a renewed testimony of the power of prayer and faith. :) We are so grateful for all the support we've had so far!

love-the grants-

Saturday, February 8, 2014

We hit the slopes!

Skiing was SO fun!! And so terrifying. We had a good day. :)

love-the grants-

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Brad got his PLI stuff today to start studying for the patent bar! Yay!

love-the grants-

Sunday, January 5, 2014


This weekend we babysat for Brad's sister and bro-in-law so they could have a mini vacay in town. The result? Less than 24 hours of cute faces, craziness and much needed birth control. :)

We love these little stinkers.

love-the grants-

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The future.

As I was doing dishes tonight, I stopped mid-washing and looked up to find Bradley studying.

Now, with a law student (who is concurrently getting another degree) in the home, this isn't an uncommon occurrence. I've seen him there before. Swim gear hanging out to dry when he gets a spare hour to swim. Back pack open, books all over the table, sitting on a chair that needs a new cushion, working hard for his education.

But when I looked up from dishes this time, instead of seeing him as he is now, I saw the future. I saw all of the hard work this man would continue to do for our future family. I saw the late nights and busy schedules. I saw the sacrifices we'd make, the sacrifices he'd make. I saw him sitting at our dinner table again, probably with different surroundings. Maybe a newer table and newer carpet, his swimming bag in it's proper place. Maybe with little kids running around.

And then I saw where we'd been. Worrying about jobs after we got married. A couple nights in the hospital for my appendectomy. Getting into Law school and my program. Late nights wondering what we'd do after we were done. Deciding that Brad would get his second degree. Seeing God's hand direct us in our life. We haven't had much time together. Only three years. But enough to have made sacrifices already. Enough to have had problems and trials. Enough to have built the foundation that will carry us into the future.

And as I stood there, looking at him, I smiled.
